Debi Prasad Bhunia

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2016-2018,Masters of Fine Arts(MFA) in Sculpture from College of Art (University of Delhi).
2018’Sands of Time'(Sponsored)at Kalakriti Art Gallery,Hyderabad 2016,”Bricolage”,A Group Exhibition at Lalit Kala Akademi,New Delhi.
2016,Allegory Member 2016,A Group Exhibition at Birla Academy of Art and Culture,Kolkata.
“College of Art”,New Delhi 2016,Annual Exhibition of Academy of Fine Arts”,Kolkata 2016,Annual Exhibition of “State Academy Kolkata 2012,2013,2014,2015″PARAMPARA” Annual Exhibition of Govt,College of Art and Craft Kolkata.
2023 Award in the Category of Sculpture,(56th Annual Exhibition 2023 Birla Academy of Art and Culture Kolkata).
2018,AIFACS Best Award in Sculpture (Delhi)2017,Merit Award for Delhi Zone (Prafulla Foundation)2017,College Exhibition of College of Art.New Delhi 2015.College Awards at Annual Exhibition of Govt College of Art and Craft Kolkata.
Artist Statement
As a practicing artist my works reflect on the society I live and the contemporary
time, where changes are taking place in a rapid pace. I come from a rural
background where life is different in many ways. Though my academic obligations
took me to various places but I always carried a strong nostalgia about my
childhood in terms of forms, colours and their purposes. Every time my visit back to
my village, those forms of society and life surprise me with newer understanding
and the body of knowledge captured within it. It is also a challenge to scrutinize the
relevance of those forms and ideas with the changes that also affected the rural life.
Though my works revolved around my memories of distant past, I also examine
other forms through various materials. My recent body of works mostly examining
those forms from the past with their functions and various myths and lore’s that
forms the essential idea of village life.